Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Oedipus Essay - 568 Words

Oedipus, from the play Oedipus the King, is a very unique character whose different aspects are revealed throughout the play. As he talks with characters such as Creon, Jocasta, and Tiresias, we get a well painted portrait of the aspects of Oedipus’ character. The ambitious aspect of Oedipus’ character is revealed through his conversations with the Leader and the Chorus. When the Leader steps up at the beginning of the play to offer suggestions, Oedipus gladly accepts; he asks no one to â€Å"hold back† (323) and for everyone to just say whatever information they had on the killing of Laius. Oedipus is very open-minded to the Leaders suggestions. He promises the citizens of his town, the Chorus, that he will find the murderer of King Laius.†¦show more content†¦When Creon asks Oedipus to listen to him, Oedipus refuses Creon and insults him in public. Even the arrogant King Oedipus can be kind and compassionate Oedipus is very kind and compassionate to Jocasta. He shows deep love and compassion towards her. When Jocasta asks something from Oedipus, â€Å"she receives from [Oedipus] whatever she desires†. (648). An example of this is when Jocasta requested him to stop arguing with Creon, Oedipus complied. While Jocasta is around, Oedipus seems to be another person; he is affectionate, instead of â€Å"haunting† as he normally is; even to Creon, he seemed to have calmed down and accepted some of Creon’s attempts at proving his innocence. Oedipus is not as kind as he is to Jocasta to everyone, especially towards Tiresias. Oedipus may be a foul mouthed character, but Tiresias is just as absurd. Oedipus’ short temper and stubbornness is exploited when he talks to Tiresias. Another trait that is revealed is impatience. When Oedipus insulted Tiresias in public, questioned his power to foresee, and accused him of lying to his fellow citizens, he replied back promptly and accused Oedipus of â€Å"scourging his own flesh and blood†(474), and said he will be â€Å"rooted from the earth brutally.† (489). Oedipus does not take this in well and kicks Tiresias out of his castle. Even though Tiresias wasn’t trying to accuse Oedipus of murder, Oedipus insultedSho w MoreRelatedThe Oedipus Complex ( Oedipus )1666 Words   |  7 Pagesmother and her son. Sigmund Freud himself came up with the Oedipus complex, which is when a boy has an attachment to the mother, which in turns results in aggressive and envious feelings toward the father and these feelings are largely repressed. The Oedipus complex comes from Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus but has largely been associated with Hamlet as well, since he and his mother Gertrude, have an extremely complicated relationship (Oedipus Complex). Hamlet is the predecessor of modern psychologicalRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Oedipus Oedipus Rex 928 Words   |  4 Pagesbetween Oedipus’ irrevocable circumstances as well as his flawed character that makes Sophocles’ â€Å"Oedipus Rex† a quintessential example of Greek drama. His circumstances, which are set by the Gods, are profound and beyond anyone’s control; either he must be killed or there will be great consequences. His parent’s rejection of the oracle set by the gods, the degrees of separation from his origin, and his flawed sense of pride is the complexity of the plot as well as what makes Oedipus the complexRead MoreOedipus The King Of Oedipus868 Words   |  4 Pageschallenge that waits upon one. Confidence overpowers cockiness. The cocky trait is heavily represented in the story â€Å"Oedipus the King† (c. 430 B.C.) by Sophocles. In the story, Oedipus the king of Thebes has the cocky trait and it results in torture for life. Oedipus’s arrogant personality shows throughout the story as he tries to find the killer of the former king of Thebes, his father. Oedipus tends to deem himself as a god throughout the story which plays a big role in interaction with people around himRead MoreOedipus The King Of Oedipus1019 Words   |  5 Pageswhat makes Oedipus actions in his quarrel with Teiresias and also throughout the play so dramatically compelling, is the fact that the audience knows the outcome of the story. We know Oedipus fate even before he does, and there is no suspen se about the outcome itself, instead, the audience anxiously awaits Oedipus to reveal his fate unto himself in his desperate quest to rid his city of the terrible plague, or maybe even more so, to simply discover his own unfortunate tale. Oedipus is relentlessRead MoreOedipus The King : Oedipus1328 Words   |  6 PagesOedipus the King Oedipus had a lot of different character traits both good and bad. He had a good conscience; he cared deeply for the people in his life and protected them. He was very empathetic, smart and a dependable man who lived his life with great integrity. He was an honest man with strong moral principles and lived a righteous life. He found it difficult to live anything less than a righteous life; when he realized what had become of his life, his guilty conscience consumed him. He was filledRead MoreOedipus By William Shakespeare s Oedipus1096 Words   |  5 PagesThebes is that they have a plague. Oedipus wants to discover the murderer of Laius in order to end the suffering of his people. 2. (Question 2) Oedipus is a man of action, but he is also a man of temper. Oedipus bullies Tiresias into answering him. It is at this point that Tiresias reveals that Oedipus has killed the previous king, Laius. A pattern emerges regarding Oedipus behavior. He has a temper, but is also used to having his way. At one point Oedipus becomes extremely angry and accusesRead More The Character of Oedipus in Oedipus and The Infernal Machine893 Words   |  4 Pages The Character of Oedipus in Oedipus and The Infernal Machine   Ã‚   The stories of Oedipus, as told through Senecas Oedipus and Cocteaus The Infernal Machine, contain both similarites and differences. Both authors portray the character of Oedipus as being obstinate, ignorant, and inquisitive. Yet Seneca and Cocteau differ on their interpretation of the motives that propelled these characteristics of Oedipus. Seneca portrays Oedipus as a mature man who, in seeing the troubles of the plague thatRead More tragoed Oedipus as the Ideal Tragic Hero of Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex)1217 Words   |  5 PagesOedipus as the Ideal Tragic Hero of Oedipus the King In the introduction to Sophocles Oedipus the King, Sophocles defines a tragic hero as one who [behaves] admirably as a man, [but who] is nevertheless tripped up by forces beyond his control and understanding... (Sophocles 76).   In Oedipus the King, Oedipus is the tragic hero. The force that trips up the hero is fate, or, moira. It is Oedipuss actions that set the events into motion,   but it is ultimately his fate, and his attemptedRead MoreThe Characterization Of Oedipus Oedipus Rex 1303 Words   |  6 PagesIn Sophocles tragic play, Oedipus Rex, there is often feedback when discussing the characterization of Oedipus. Key issues in this play are pointed towards in realm of a tragedy, because Oedipus suffers a few character flaws such as anger, pride and arrogance. Within those flaws, he fails to reflect upon his actions; causing blindness and later, result his honor to be under minded and seen at the forefront of Thebes. What makes this play more on the fringe than other tragic plays are Oedipus’sRead MoreOedipus Essay767 Words   |  4 PagesSophocles Oedipus the King is a tragic play which discusses the tragic discovery of Oedipus that he has killed his father and married his mother. The story of Oedipus was well known to the athenian s. Oedipus is the embodiement of the perfect Athenian. He is self-confident, intelligent, and strong willed. Ironically these are the very traits which bring about his tragic discovery. Oedipus gained the rule of Thebes by answering the riddle of Sphinx. Sophocles used the riddle of the sphinx

Monday, December 16, 2019

Unit Shc22 - Introduction to Personal Development in...

SHC 22 1.1 Describe and explain the duties and responsibilities of your own work role. I work in a team with another childminder, sharing the same premises, so we share some of duties, but generally speaking, both of us are responsible for the children we looking for. My duties starts in the morning when I have to welcome the children, to help them getting the schuss changed and the coats tacked off, to record the time they came in and some information from parents if applicable. It is my responsibility to prepare the food for children and in the meantime to get involved in their activities. We support the children in their personal development in different ways: explaining situations, setting some interesting activities for†¦show more content†¦I do have a lot of information but the most important thing is how to use it. I started with my starting points, my previous experience. Firstly I am mother of two children, one grown up and one teenager. When they were younger, I used to collaborate with all the professionals involved in their education. For three years I worked as teacher in my country. Before starting the childminder course, I worked as childminder assistant for Viorica Timco and she advised me to complete this course because I have the skills to work with children in Early Years. I did this and I am registered childminder from September 2011. In March I had my first inspection and the service I was providing was classed only satisfactory, because some of my weaknesses including the missing of the self-evaluation. Of course there were lot of positive things such as an acceptable partnership with parents, supporting children learning English as an additional language, the measures to safeguarding the children, the food-safety and the first aid training, completion the course KIDS for children with special needs. The premises are used appropriately, providing sufficient space for play, rest and dinning. Play resources are varied, reflective on the six areas of learning; the children are given the opportunity to have their own choices. After starting the self-evaluating process I was trying to find out the ways to

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Nora Helmer vs. Miss Julie Essay Example For Students

Nora Helmer vs. Miss Julie Essay The play Miss Julie consists of three major characters, Miss Julie being the major one. She is the mistress, with Kristin the cook and Jean her valet. Miss Julie has just suffered from a broken engagement, which was caused by the fact that she wanted to make her husband her little puppy. This engagement problem causes her to advance over Jean, on Midsummer Eve. Other factors also may have caused her to take an action over Jean, like the fact that she has her period, her own nature, the sensual dancing and at last the man. Her mother hates men and therefore she raised Julie to dislike them too and this is why Julie becomes so obsessed to take command over men. Oh, Id love to see the whole of your sex swimming in a sea of blood just like that. I think I could drink out of your skull. You think I loved you because my womb hungered for your seed. Bear your child and take your name! Come to think of it, what is your name anyway? Ive never heard your last name. You probably dont even have one. Id be Mrs. Doorkeeper or Madame Floorsweeper. You dog with my name on your collar you lackey with my initials on your buttons! Miss Julie in the beginning of the play acts superior towards Jean, but this doesnt last long. Right afterwards she begins to insinuate herself: Supposing I order you too. Miss Julie then goes wild, she asks him to take her to the lake and therefore he warns her about her reputation. So they go to his room and after a while come back, implications are that they had sex. Jean wanted to benefit from the situation because he thought that by making love to Miss Julie he would raise his social status, but he then finds out that she isnt resentful of what shes done and therefore he gives up this idea. While Jean wants to raise his social status, Miss Julie wants to lower it and from this it can be conveyed that she isnt emotionally well, perhaps because she wants to ruin herself. Im sitting on top of a pillar that Ive climbed up somehow and I dont know how to get back down. When I look down I get dizzy. I have to get down but I dont have the courage to jump. Towards the end of the play, in which Miss Julie is already suffering from hysteria, she has this desire to fall and be controlled by a man. At this point, Jean has more power than Miss Julie; he is no longer dependent upon her because she has become a degenerate woman. When she makes love with Jean, she is at some point degrading herself because shes being subject of his use and not the other way around as she wanted it to be. Both plays convey the image of women being vulnerable to the power of men hence the women are degraded. In Miss Julie, it can be conveyed that by the end of the play she is emotionally destroyed and therefore she surrenders to Jean; this is the climax of his power in the story. I cant do anything: I cant repent, I cant run away, I cant stay; I cant live, I cant die. Help me now! Order me, and Ill obey you like a dog. Do this last thing for me: save my honour, save my name. You know what I ought to do if only I had the will-power. Will me to do it and command me to obey you. Miss Julie isnt willing to suffer anymore and therefore she wants to kill herself, but first she must ask for the permission of Jean because she is no longer capable of doing anything by herself. .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0 , .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0 .postImageUrl , .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0 , .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0:hover , .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0:visited , .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0:active { border:0!important; } .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0:active , .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0 .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc117e9fa15d8575e2bf72d2bb5dee8e0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Genetics EssayBesides understanding that Strindberg wants to convey that Miss Julie ends the play in a level lower than Jean and that the main focus is to show the conflict between genders. From the beginning of the play A Dolls House, it is conveyed that Nora is a wife that is completely manipulated by her husband, Torvald. Nevertheless as we get to know her better it is suggested that Nora isnt as innocent and pure as she looked like. Nora realized that she was living in a dolls house and therefore everything was coming to an end so she should search for her individuality. Nora realizes that Torvald isnt devoted to her but to the idea that she is manipulated by him. At this point, Nora has enough courage to leave all her life behind and go after a new start. This suggests two different ideas; first that she was strong enough to go against Torvald and the second that she wasnt so strong as she should have been, because instead of staying and fighting for an importance she decided to run from it. Ibsen sticks with the idea that she runs away from Torvald and from this past life as seen in previous quote. Ibsen also conveys through his play the idea to women that they have a subordinate position in society. The title Miss Julie values the Miss Julie as the main element of the play while the title A Dolls House gives out the idea of a dolls family where everything is perfect but theres no real feelings for each other.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Mythology as a means to understand the Power Relations between Men and Women

The distinction between man and woman requires no need for elaboration. It is obvious for everyone to see. But there are those who use these differences to interpret the role that women and men should play in society. In ancient times men believe that they were supposed to rule over women.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mythology as a means to understand the Power Relations between Men and Women specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is no better proof of this assertion other than the study of mythology because it can be said that mythology is a form of distillation of ideas. Thus, in Greek mythology, one can see how this belief is perpetuated. There are even those who argue that myth-making was used to propagate this view. The best examples of course are the stories that related to Zeus and the way he treated women. In Greek-mythology the power relations is easy to understand; women were supposed to be dominate d by men. Greek-mythology can be partially blamed for the demotion and devaluation of women. There is no way to deny this claim because the main plot of the stories that came from this region tells of how easy it was for men to violate women and get away with. For an outsider looking in, especially those who study these myths, the way ancient men treated women is not only barbaric but accomplished with a sense of pride and entitlement – as if it was man’s natural right to abuse women and do as they please with them. The idea was reinforced by the myth about gods and their relationships with women both mortal and goddesses alike. Zeus and the Excuse to Dominate Women If indeed Greek mythology was created not only as a form of explaining the origin of life in this region but also to explain the purpose of life, then Greek mythology was used as form of teaching tool to direct all the inhabitants of Greece to their rightful places. It also makes sense of the sociological o rder that existed during that period in history. With regards to power relations between man and woman there is no better way to illustrate it than to construct gods that have gender both male and female. These gods do not only possess the desires common to mankind but they too have the ability to procreate. It provides an explanation not only to the origin of life on earth but also about human nature. Zeus the most powerful god in Greek mythology gave the command to Prometheus to create man and for a while Zeus enjoyed the fruits of his creation. But man did something that made Zeus angry and has to be punished. The method use to punish man is one of the first examples of how ancient civilizations view women.Advertising Looking for essay on ancient history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the story Zeus instructed Hephaesutus to create a woman of stunning beauty and name her Pandora. Her beauty was the cover that hid the d eadly gift inside. It is therefore telling that when the gods made woman she was given a deceptive heart, a lying tongue and a curious mind that would soon be the downfall of all mankind. Pandora was supposed to give his male counterpart great joy on account of her beauty and other gifts but instead she became more of a curse than a blessing. The gods could have given her the abilities to become a wonderful daughter, wife and mother but instead they gave her a box. It was the box of evil because it contained a plague that would bring about sorrow, poverty, sickness, disease and all manner of misfortune. It was unfair therefore to entrust the box to her because she was handicapped with a curious mind and she could not help herself but open the forbidden box, the receptacle that was ordered to be closed at all times. It can be argued that the gods, especially Zeus wanted men to suffer on account of her. When the contents of the box was released to the world, the rest of mankind can no w look at Pandora and accuse her of destroying the idyllic life that they used to enjoy. It has created a no-win situation for all her descendants. If everything goes fine and perfect then man gets the credit. But the moment things turn ugly, everyone turns to her as the reason for the cursed ground, the foul weather, and the of course the anger of the gods. More importantly, it provided the justification for man’s rude treatment towards women all throughout history. This is just one part of Greek mythology that many took to heart and it placed women in a dangerous position because the groundwork needed to make them the scapegoat of everything and the emotional punching bag of men was already completed. It is therefore important to clarify that this is not the truth with regards to the nature of man and woman. In reality the gender roles should compliment each other as seen in the beautiful tandem of a contended husband and a happy wife. But in many places, especially in anci ent Greece, the story of Zeus and the way he abused women is a reflection of the insecurities of men. Their behavior, especially the behavior of their male gods was the evidence of the wrong use of power.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mythology as a means to understand the Power Relations between Men and Women specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The positive use of power should result in the creation of something of great value, of great beauty and a blessing for all. The wrong use of power is rooted in the need to cover up insecurities. Thus, in Greek mythology the male gods like Zeus will never take responsibility for the things that they have done. They believe that they are always right. Demeter and Women’s Suffering The insecurities of the male-dominated society created a perversion of the use of power. Man was never created to dominate women. In the same way women were never created to make the lives of men miserable. The differences of both and their respective unique gifts were supposed to be used for the good – provide solution to the problems of this world. But in Greek mythology, power was used to assign blame and to punish those who were supposed to be guilty. Unfortunately, women were seen as the culprits. The best example to illustrate this point is the way Zeus and the gods violated women. And one of the tales that depicts this perverse perspective is the story of Demeter and her daughter Persephone. Demeter was a goddess and her daughter too. But this did not spare mother and child from the perverse mind of the male gods Zeus and his brother Hades. Zeus was more powerful than Hades and therefore he could easily have commanded him to stop looking at her daughter with lust in his eyes. However, Zeus looked the other way when Hades decided to abduct his niece. An innocent child, picking flowers and not a mean bone in her body she was taken against her will. She su ffered tremendously and she wailed and shouted with all her might seeking help. Her terror-filled heart was not enough to convince Zeus that his brother had no right to treat his daughter that way. But the father of Persephone did not intervene. This sends a strong message to men and women of ancient Greece. The lust of men knows no bounds and instead of doing something to rein it in, its expression is allowed even if it means violating the rights of women. This was a precursor to arrange marriages as well as forcing women to marry the men that they did not love. This story is proof that men can do what they want and they can even do questionable acts and they would never be held responsible for their actions. The introductory part of the story tells of how gods and mortals were unable to perceive what had happened. It seems to say that the ancient could easily turn a deaf ear and a blind eye towards the crime committed against women. The reaction of Zeus towards the grief and longi ng of Demeter also shows how he values his wife.Advertising Looking for essay on ancient history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Needless to say, a male dominated society takes care of the needs and problems of men within their own circle of power and they never had to think twice to sacrifice the comfort and well-being of women if this is the way to make men happy. The story of Demeter and Persephone is not only an illustration on how men were given the right to hurt and persecute women; it is also a story of how women are forced to do evil in order to accomplish their goals. Men can do whatever they want and if they so desire something they simply took it by force. But women had to use their wiles and forced to scheme to get what rightfully belongs to them. In the end Demeter was able to retrieve Persephone but she paid a great price. More importantly, Hades was not entirely defeated because he was shown to be more crafty by cheating Persephone and as a result she was forced to spend a third of every year under the earth, in the lair of the dead because she was forced to do something that made her bound to Hades. Conclusion Power relations between men and women in ancient Greece can be seen through their mythology. The mythology as seen in the story of gods and goddesses is one way to explain the belief system of these ancient people. But at the same time it is the reflection of what they felt inside. Power relation in ancient Greece can be understood as a reflection of the insecurities of men in a male-dominated society. Men needed a scapegoat and someone to focus their frustrations. They created stories and propagated ideas that the first woman was the reason why there are so much pain, hunger, and sickness in the world. These stories gave them the justification to vent their anger on women as well as abuse them. However, it must be made clear that men were never created to dominate women and vice versa. Their differences were supposed to be used to compliment each others strength and weakness. If this happens then power can be used to create good and not evil. This essay on Mythology as a means to understand the Power Relations between Men and Women was written and submitted by user Kyra Morris to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Meditate essays

How to Meditate essays With the hectic pace and demands of our modern life, many people feel overwhelmed with stress and personal responsibilities. We often spend more time worrying how our time is spent fitting personal life into business life, than actually enjoying life. Not only does stress and tiredness make us unhappy and frustrated, but it can also have a negative effect on your health. So when you hear the word meditation, many of you will think you wont have time, but meditation actually gives us more time by focusing and calming our distressed minds. Meditation is the key to understanding our own minds. We each have the potential to transform our minds from negative to positive, unhappy to happy. This is the main idea of meditation, to find inner peace in yourself and your environment. You might also be thinking meditation is for religious people, but most meditation is practiced independently. Anyone can benefit from meditation, religious or not. Before you begin the meditation process, you must set the stage. Your environment should be tranquil. If you pick a spot inside, choose a room that is neat, dark, and clean. I try to keep clear from distracting noises such as washing machines, dryers, or your furnace, but not all noises are distracting. For example, when I sleep there has to be some sort of constant noise, such as a fan, to relax my mind. This is also effective for meditation as well. It can be your favorite jazz album or a cassette tape of the ocean crashing against a sandy shore. The main point is to find an environment where you feel at ease and focused. If you pick a place outside, choose a place that has a significant value to you. It might be the banks of a nearby creek where you spent your childhood, like me, or just someplace placid and beautiful. Any place with a lot of trees is nice. If you are a religious person, pick some place where you had an important reli ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

14 College Graduation Gifts to Give Yourself

14 College Graduation Gifts to Give Yourself Graduating from college is no easy feat- and no one knows the effort you put in and the obstacles you overcame better than you do. Since your college graduation will likely be one of the biggest milestones of your life, its worth it to reward yourself for all youve accomplished. But just what kinds of things work well as a college graduation gift to yourself?  Here are the best graduation gifts to give yourself. 1. A Nice Diploma Frame Youve probably seen these in your campus bookstore or a local shop in town. In essence, diploma frames are a nice frame in which you can hang (and preserve) your actual diploma. Some have a small logo from your college; others have a large picture of campus as well. Regardless, a nice diploma frame can be a great way to formally acknowledge your graduation. Additionally, it can serve as appropriate and professional wall decor for your first office. 2. An Elegant Business Card Holder Sure, exchanging contact information happens electronically most of the time. And yet there can still be situations- like cocktail parties, airline flights, or other unexpected situations- when a simple conversation turns into a networking opportunity. Having your business cards available in a nice, classy case (in contrast, to, say, your old wallet) can be a smart way to present yourself. And it can be a nice gift to yourself that lasts for years to come. 3. Life For a Day Pictures You may be eager to leave your college life and your campus, but there are still things you will miss about your college years. Consider spending a day- or even just an hour or two during the day- taking pictures of the details of your life. What does your room look like? Your residence hall, apartment building, or house? What do you have hanging on the walls? What kinds of clothes are in your closet? What kinds of technology are you using? Where are the places you spent the most time- studying, hanging out, making memories- on campus? Off campus? In essence, create a photo journal of what your college life looks like. You never know how much you might treasure those simple snaps 10, 20, or even 50 years from now. 4. Write a Letter to Yourself Similar to an autobiographical photojournalism project, writing a letter to yourself can be an amazing gift for Future You. What are your dreams? What kind of life do you picture for yourself? What have you loved most about your time in college? What do you regret? What do you wish you had done differently? Theres no right answer or a specific thing you should write about. Just listen to your heart and say something that you want your future self to hear. 5. College Clothing It sounds so simple- after all, how many free t-shirts did you accumulate during your time in school?!- but getting yourself some new clothes with your colleges name on it can be a great gift. Even if its just a simple t-shirt and running shorts, youll reconnect with this time in your life when youre out for a run or hitting the gym 1, 2, or even 5 years from now. Additionally, something comforting, like a zip-up hoodie, can be your go-to item when youre doing something you love, like spending a quiet night in after a busy week at work. A little gift now can be a great way to remind and reward yourself about all you accomplished during your college years. 6. Travel Gear Have the travel bug? Want a job that requires a lot of travel? Consider giving yourself something that can be part of your post-college-life journeys. A nice suitcase, a great handbag, or even a duffel bag with your college logo or name on it can fit the bill. Additionally, advertising your alma mater during your travels can be a surprising way to start a conversation with others who have a connection to your institution, too. 7. A Connection With Your Favorite Professor No matter your major, you likely had one professor with whom you really connected or who made a difference in your life- even if you never told them so. Before you leave campus, connect with him or her in some way. Buy one of their books youve never read and have them sign it for you. Ask them to meet for coffee or even during office hours so you can ask their advice and let them know how much you appreciated their presence during your time in school. Your connection doesnt have to be fancy to be meaningful; it just has to be genuine. 8. A Trip Somewhere Special Do you need some time to process the big changes in your life? Have you always wanted to, for example, take  a college road trip? Do you want to have one last adventure with your college friends before you graduate? Consider giving yourself a trip as a graduation present. Even though its not a tangible item you can put in a gift box, a trip can provide you with a lifetime of memories- and some much-needed rest and relaxation. 9. Something for Your Post-College Professional Life Do you need a great briefcase? A messenger bag? A new laptop for graduate school? A stethoscope? Scrubs? Consider giving yourself something important and meaningful that also connects to your professional goals. Even if you cant afford something that will last for decades, you can always use something for a season or two and then keep it as a memento. This was my very first professional [item name]! has a nice ring to it, even 20 years from now. 10. Something for Your Post-College Personal Life Do you want to acknowledge your graduation with something that symbolizes adulthood for you? Do you want a nice set of dishes, a great (double!) bed, or a killer business suit? Do you want new clothes from a nice shop or even some fancy cookware? Consider buying yourself something that feels adult and permanent. You can use it to remind yourself of your transition to adulthood and all the effort you made to set yourself up for success after college. 11. A Donation to an Organization That Helps Students Go to College No matter your situation, you didnt make it through college entirely on your own. Whether it was family, friends, administrators, professors, or community leaders, people undoubtedly helped you along the way. Consider giving back by making a donation to a community organization or your college (in the form of scholarship funds) so that others have support during their time in school, too. 12. Plant Something It doesnt have to be big and fancy to symbolize the start of a new chapter in your life. Whether its a small houseplant, a small herb garden, or even a hardy bush or tree in your parents backyard or a community garden, planting something that you can nurture and grow can be highly symbolic and rewarding. 13. Take Yourself Clothes Shopping Give yourself a cold, hard reality check by really looking at whats in your closet. You likely- and justifiably- have clothes appropriate for a college student. Which was fun until now...when you transition from being a student to being a graduate. Treat yourself to some clothing basics, both personally and professionally, so that you can enter this new phase of your life as prepared as possible. 14. A Spa Treatment Remember: spa treatments arent just for fancy folks (or even just girls!). Reward yourself to something as simple as a pedicure or as fancy as a full-day treatment. After all, you probably put your body through unbelievable amounts of stress and mistreatment during the past few years. Reward your physical and mental self with some relaxation and pampering. You might be surprised at how this simple luxury can rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul and prepare you to begin your post-college life refreshed and recharged.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pets and health and lifestyle Speech or Presentation

Pets and health and lifestyle - Speech or Presentation Example The social impact of pet ownership will first be discussed followed by its positive effects on the physical and mental health of an individual. Pets form an underlying reason for social interaction between people. Thus they tend to make an individual socially active. For example when people take their dogs for a walk, they tend to stop and talk to other dog owners. This leads to social contact and helps a person to become active. Such interactions are also a common sight at pet shops or at veterinary clinics. Another important aspect linked with animals that enhances social skills is the fact that people find it easier to interact and talk to people who are walking with their pets. This is because it is a common notion that people who own pets are nice and caring (Fetters 2014, Robinson and Segal 2014). Physical activity is another benefit linked with owning pets and this improves the physical health of an individual. Pets require attention and no matter whether the pet is a dog or a parrot, a person has to perform some activity for them. This prevents a person from total physical inactivity. An added benefit is for the people who take their animals like cats and dogs for walks. A study has revealed that people who take their dogs for walks have a lesser probability of gaining excessive weight in comparison to the normal population (Fetters 2014). Pets have a significant role in stress reduction and in preventing anxiety and thus they are important in maintaining good psychological health as well. Being alone makes an individual depressed and thus the partnership of an animal keeps a person busy and prevents depression. Not only this, people who stay isolated from others seek comfort by staying with their pets. It has been suggested that spending time with pets and playing with them helps to relieve stress by altering the hormone levels in the body and making an individual energetic (Fetters 2014). To sum up, it can be understood that

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Grigori Yefimovich Rapustin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Grigori Yefimovich Rapustin - Essay Example He taught his disciples that sex, alcoholism, bribery, violence or all kinds of sins are part of human life and these things are necessary to get salvation. He was succeeded in attracting many people with his magical powers, appearance and communication abilities. He was often referred as the mad monk in history because of his crazy life styles and teachings. He was able to establish deep relationship with the Imperial family in general and with Queen Alexandra Feodorovna and her son,  in particular. These relationships helped him to become a prominent figure in the even in the imperial court. Some people believe that he was responsible for the downfall of the Romonov Russian Imperial family whereas others argue that he was simply a scapegoat. This paper analyses Rasputin’s personal life and teachings in general and his influence in the down fall and later the overthrow of the Romonov Russian Imperial family in particular. Rasputin’s personal life and teachings Rasput in’s education was limited and he struggled even for reading and writing. Like most of the modern self declared saints, Rasputin also realised that it is easy to influence the public with the help of magical powers even without formal education. He has realised that most of the people around him were superstitious and exploitation of such superstitious public is easy. â€Å"Having undergone a form of religious conversion while aged 18, Rasputin embraced the Khlysty sect.   Happily for Rasputin the sect preached the notion that the closest relationship to God could best be achieved while exhausted from prolonged sexual engagements†3 Rasputin’s personal life was not suitable for the traditional beliefs about the life styles of a monk or saint. His teachings were entirely different from the teachings of traditional saints. He argued that sins are part of human life and it is necessary for getting salvation. In his opinion, â€Å"sin is an inescapable part of the human condition, and the responsibility of a believer is to be keenly aware of his sins, and willing to confess them, thereby attaining humility†4. He established strong relationships with people in the upper class society and engaged in all malicious activities. He stayed with prostitutes and had no hesitation in getting addicted to alcohol. â€Å"He shortly afterwards hit upon the satisfying discovery that sexual contact with his own body imbued a healing effect upon women†5. Influence of Rasputin in the downfall of the Romonov Russian Imperial family Even though historians have different opinions about the role played by Rasputin in the downfall of the Romonov Russian Imperial family which led to the formation of Soviet Union, nobody has any doubt about his deep relationship with the Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, the Tsarina Alexandra and their only son, the Tsarevich Alexei. Rasputin was able to establish strong relationship with the ruling family because of Alexeiâ €™s hemophilia disease. Tsar and Tsarina had only one son and they were worried about their son’s hemophilia disease. They tried to treat their son using all the available medical facilities of that time; however their son’s pain and agony increased day by day. Rasputin used this opportunity well and convinced Tsar and Tsarina that he has holy power and he can easily get their son’s pain relieved. He was regarded as the last resort of the desperate Tsar and Tsarina. They had tried

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Essay Example for Free

Organisational Behaviour Essay There are many ways in which different individuals have viewed personality. Robbins et al (2001, p. 99) define it as â€Å"the consistent psychological patterns within an individual that affect the way they interact with others and the situations they encounter†. Another definition provided by Huczynski and Buchanan (2007, p. 138) is that personality â€Å"is the psychological qualities that influence an individual’s characteristic behaviour patterns, in a stable and distinctive manner†. Personality’s Role in Organizational Behaviour With the abovementioned definitions of personality, there are a numerous reasons as to why this is of great interest when it comes to the study of Organizational Behaviour. One main reason is that job performance and career success are related to one’s personality as many managers have come to believe. Personality assessments or ‘psychometric tests’ are widely used by companies to assess an employee’s personality. A couple of the known approaches to these tests are nomothetic, the basis of the majority of the available psychometrics, and idiographic. The former is more objective and quantitative, which is mostly comprised of multiple-choice questions and hence easier to administer, while the latter rely on heavily on different assumptions about human psychology. (Huczynski Buchanan 2007, p. 137) Types of Personality Assessment Tools Out of the many personality assessment tools available today, the four which will be further discussed will be the DISC Model, Jung’s Personality Type Matrix, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Friedman and Rosenman’s Type A Type B Personalities. There will be an overlay between the mentioned assessment tools and the others that have not been stated. (Richards n. d. ) These assessments aid not only companies when it comes to appraising an employee but also are now available for individuals who want to measure their own capability and learn how to make the most of their strengths. DISC Model The DISC Model originated from Dr. William Moulton Marston’s 1928 book entitled â€Å"Emotions of Normal People†. The term DISC was initially discussed in the book. However, Dr. Marston did not have the intention of creating any sort of assessment tool. It was not till 1972 when researchers from the University of Minnesota developed the abovementioned tool. A number of books have been written and various interpretations on the topic have emerged. Dr. Marston’s idea when he coined the term DISC can be seen as revolving around â€Å"behaviour† and â€Å"situation†. The most generalized outline of the model is as follows. DISC stands for â€Å"dominance†, â€Å"influence†, â€Å"steadiness† and â€Å"compliance†. A person who falls under Dominance and Influence is considered to be generally proactive and extraverted while someone who is under Steadiness and Compliance is somewhat the opposite, reactive and an introvert. Those whose personality is thought to belong to Dominance and Compliance have their focal point to be â€Å"things† whereas that of the people whose personality belongs to Influence and Steadiness is seen as â€Å"people†. (Richards n. d. ) The small connection ends there. A closer look at each of the types could reveal more. An individual who is a type Dominance will have the following attributes. He or she is â€Å"decisive, dominant, self-assured, forceful, task-oriented† and is someone who â€Å"instigates, leads and directs†. His or her main motivation will be the sense of â€Å"responsibility and achievement†. Subsequently, this person â€Å"fears failure and loss of power†. When in a working environment, he or she will have a â€Å"strong focus on tasks† and his or her â€Å"forceful style can upset people†. As for someone who falls under Influence, he or she â€Å"motivates others via influence and persuasion†, â€Å"presents well† and â€Å"inspires others†. He or she possesses â€Å"good communication skills†, as well as the qualities of being â€Å"friendly†, â€Å"affable†, â€Å"intuitive† and â€Å"gregarious†. Recognition and personal approval† are their motivational factors. â€Å"Rejection and loss of reputation† make up their fears. The fact that they emphasize so much on image can result in substance negligence. Anyone belonging to type Steadiness acquires attributes such as â€Å"reliable, depe ndable, process-oriented, listener, friendly, trustworthy, solid, ethical† and â€Å"methodical†. He or she â€Å"finishes what others start and leave† and â€Å"decides according to process†. This person is â€Å"motivated by time, space and continuity to do things properly†. Their fears include â€Å"insecurity and change†. Having this personality type meant that the person depends on the process to such an extent that any signs of changes will be resisted. Lastly, those who are under Compliance are â€Å"painstaking, investigative, curious†, â€Å"correct† and â€Å"detailed†. He or she is a â€Å"checker† and â€Å"decides using facts and figures†. Motivation for them would be â€Å"attention to detail, perfection and truth† whereas fears are â€Å"inaccuracy and unpredictability†. Their â€Å"need for perfection† tends to â€Å"delay or obstruct† them from achieving what is required. (Richards n. d. ) From the above, it can be seen that the DISC model has four main â€Å"type† which describes the certain corresponding personalities. When taking this assessment, one must keep in mind that he or she does not exclusively belong to just one type. This tool identifies the dominant type as well as two supporting types to varying extent which is dependent on the person and the situation. The mixture of the types, dominant and supporting, provides a good illustration of a person’s personality from various perspectives. (Richards n. d. ) Jung’s Personality Type Matrix Carl Gustav Jung, one of the many great personality theorists, is well-known for his work – Jung’s Personality Type Matrix or Jung’s Psychological Types which he derived from the ancient Greek Four Temperaments Model. His approach to this study was from a clinical psychoanalysis perspective. Most of today’s widely used psychometrics, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, have greatly benefited from Jung’s theories. Jung structured his functional types into four. His four functions of the psyche are Thinking and Feeling, which helps us to decide and judge, and, Sensation and Intuition, which helps us to perceive and gather information. He called the first two functions Rational and the other two, Irrational. (Chapman 2010) Thinking is about â€Å"what something is†. It is about â€Å"meaning and understanding†. It involves â€Å"analytic, objective, principles, standards and criteria†. Feeling is about â€Å"whether it is good or not†. It is about â€Å"weight and value†. It involves â€Å"subjective, personal, valuing, intimacy and humane†. Sensation is knowing that â€Å"something exists†. It can also be referred to as â€Å"sensual perception†. It is â€Å"realistic, down-to-earth, practical and sensible†. Intuition is concerned with â€Å"where it is from and where it is going†. It is about â€Å"possibilities and atmosphere†. It involves â€Å"hunches, future, speculative, fantasy and imaginative†. Further explanations on the four functions are as follows: (Chapman 2010) â€Å"Jungs Thinking function is a rational process of understanding reality, implications, causes and effects in a logical and analytical way. It is systematic, evaluates truth, and is objective to the extent that evaluation is based on personal intelligence and comprehension. † Jungs Feeling function makes judgements on a personal subjective basis. It is a rational process of forming personal subjective opinion about whether something is good or bad, right or wrong, acceptable or unacceptable, etc. , and involves sentimentality and humanity. † â€Å"Jungs Sensation function translates signals from the senses into factual data. There is no judgement of right or wrong, good or bad, implications, causes, directions, context, possibilities, themes, or related concepts. Sensation sees what is, as what it is. † Jungs Intuition function translates things, facts and details into larger conceptual pictures, possibilities, opportunities, imaginings, mysticism and new ideas. Intuition largely ignores essential facts and details, logic and truth. † Based on Jung’s Four Functions of the Psyche, his Eight Personality Types came about by adding â€Å"introversion† or â€Å"extraversion† ‘general attitude types’ to the four superior functions. The characteristics of each of these types are as follows. Extraverted Thinking organizes others, implements, plans, is strategic and analytical. Introverted Thinking seeks elf-knowledge, is theoretical, discovering and contemplative. Extraverted Feeling seeks personal and social success, is sentimental and sociable. Introverted Feeling seeks inner intensity, is self-contained, enigmatic a nd inaccessible. Extraverted Sensation is hard-headed, pleasure-seeking, hands-on and practical. Introverted Sensation is an expert, a connoisseur, detached, obsessive and intense. Extraverted Intuition proposes change, seeks novelty, is innovative and adventurous. Introverted Intuition is aloof, mystical, esoteric, visionary and idealistic. These only refer to the principal functions. Once the auxiliary functions, the less dominant functions, come into the picture, it produces sixteen personality types with more in-depth analysis. (Chapman 2010) It is these final types which directly relates to the next assessment tool – the MBTI. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Isabel Briggs Myers, along with her mother, Katherine Briggs, developed the instrument MBTI in the 1940’s which has been based on Carl Jung’s Personality Matrix. All in all, they established sixteen different and distinctive personality types. These types came about through the interactions among one’s preferences. One may figure out his or her personality type by first deciding on his or her preference in each of the following categories: Extraversion (E), focusing on the outer world or Introversion (I), to prefer one’s own inner world. Sensing (S), all about the basic information taken in or Intuition (N), interpreting and adding meaning to the information. In decision-making, Thinking (T), logic and consistency first or Feeling (F), people and the special circumstances. Structure-wise, Judging (J), getting things decided or Perceiving (P), remaining open in case of new information and options. Once the preference has been made, a four-letter code emerges. It could be ISTJ, ISFJ, INFJ, INTJ, ISTP, ISFP, INFP, INTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENFP, ENTP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ or ENTJ. Each of these types has a corresponding personality description. With the MBTI instrument, there is no such thing as measuring trait ability or character, instead, it sorts for preferences. The main reason why this instrument is the most popular is the fact that hundreds of studies in the past forty years have proven MBTI to be valid and reliable. (The Myers Briggs Foundation n. d. ) Type A – Type B Personalities The very first time the two types of personality were described was in the 1950’s by cardiologists Meyer Friedman and R. H. Rosenham. With reference to Jung’s Matrix, Type A is a left-sided STJ but Type B is a right-sided NFP. (Changingminds. org 2010) The typing is broadly based on anxiety and stress levels. Type A people enjoy constantly working to achieve goals; the more difficult, the better. Their drive to compete can cause them to create the sense of competition. Failure is one thing they try hard to avoid. They are mostly well-educated. On the contrary, Type B work steadily and do not obsess about not achieving what they have set out to do. They are creative; love to explore new ideas. They are often reflective. Challenging a Type A will be very effective whilst a reflective conversation will work better with a Type B. â€Å"Type A personality has become a household word. † (Sharma 1996) According to Dr. Friedman, there are eight major indicators of Type A Behaviour – two psychological and six physical. The psychological signs are:   â€Å"presence of impatience or easily induced hostility† and â€Å"constant apprehension of future disasters†, where the latter is commonly mistaken as a symptom of an anxiety or depressive disorder. The physical signs are: â€Å"excessive perspiration of the forehead and the upper lip†, â€Å"teeth grinding†, â€Å"indentation of the tongue due to its chronic pressure against the top incisor teeth†, â€Å"tic-like retraction of the upper eye lid†, â€Å"tic-like retraction of the corners of the mouth†, and â€Å"brown coloring of the skin of the lower eyelid†. Type A has generated a huge interest in the medical world as it is highly related to coronary heart disease. Here is an excerpt from Moore’s (2001) article: â€Å"Type A people are achievement oriented, irritable, impatient with delays, and seem to be always in a hurry. †¦ In contrast to type As, type B people are less competitive, and more easygoing than their type A counterparts. †¦ While most people do not fall into the extreme ends of the continuum, there are significant numbers of people who do seem to be far more intense and reactive than others. Type As are not only reactive, they are also achievement oriented and highly motivated to succeed. They enjoy challenge and like to know how well they are doing. †¦ More recent research has demonstrated that the feature of type A behavior that is particularly toxic is hostility. † Scott (2007) mentioned in one of her articles that apart from the fact that those exhibiting Type A personality have a higher ri sk at suffering hypertension and heart diseases, they also suffer from job stress and social isolation. These people are usually in â€Å"stressful, demanding jobs†. They, too, tend to distance themselves from others as they focus on their career more than they do on personal relationships. Many researches do believe that it is the environment that caused certain people to develop Type A personalities. As part of their personality, Type As are able to perform well in the workplace because they are high-achievers. (Larson 2009) This is why they hold increasingly high-powered positions. As a result, they find it hard to relax, they are aggressive, they have the tendency to interrupt and they lose sleep frequently. In an office environment, these characteristics can lead to high levels of success but the same can also lead to Type As own pitfalls. They have emphasis on quantity over quality. They are unable to appreciate their own achievements. However, they make great leaders since they work well under pressure. Character Personality Analysis From the 2006 movie, The Devil wears Prada, the character played by Meryl Streep is Miranda Priestly, the Editor-In-Chief for Runway – a supposedly top New York fashion Magazine. (Huntley 2009) Anyone could easily tell that she exhibits most of, if not all, of a Type A personality. If it were from the DISC model’s perspective, she would fall under the Dominance category while belonging to the typology of Jung’s STJ or the MBTI’s ISTJ. To categorize here in the boss type, she would be the â€Å"tin man† boss with an axe. Her first love would have to be power. She is very career-oriented whose goals and objectives are extremely translucent. For her, â€Å"what is to be done, is to be done†, the word unfeasible does not exist. When in doubt, never approach her as she does not like people boring her with questions of how, what and where. Famous for being unpredictable, she does not care for other’s incompetence and is intimidating to the extent that people cannot even be in the same lift as her. It is rather hard to please or impress her. Career-wise, she is an A+ yet as a person, she fails. With her profession the first priority in her life, she has had a broken marriage, twice, and a distorted family life. Despite that, her most valuable assets to her are her twin daughter who she cares for dearly. She indeed lacks personal life. Tagged as â€Å"the dragon lady†, she rarely shows emotions and strongly believes that life is all about the choices you make. Being the powerful lady ruling the kingdom of fashion, she keeps her staff and the fashion world under her thumb. Her actions indeed speak louder than her words because she can make a top designer recreate a whole collection all over again just by pursing her lips. She draws contentment from other’s misery. Her disbelief in positive reinforcement has led to a high number of assistants quitting. She is the kind of boss who has no room for lazy employees. A perfectionist, she does not care who she steps on when on her way to the top. Not to forget, sleek and slender Miranda always has to have her Hermes scarf on. It can be seen that Miranda’s personality does fit her role to some extent. Due to the nature of her job, her business environment matters a lot. Although she is very dominating, the people under her accept that and submit to her wishes as if left with no other choice. It is all about power at the end of the day especially in a high-powered position like that of an Editor-In-Chief. Many people have come to believe that Miranda Priestly has been based on real-life Editor-In-Chief for Vogue Magazine, Anna Wintour. Topsynergy. com (2003) discussed the personalities that are evident in Anna Wintour. She is a perfect example to be displaying Type A behavior which to some extent is relevant to the position she holds and the competitive industry she is in. Describing Wintour in the words of Topsynergy. com; â€Å"Cautious, prudent, and rather self-contained †¦ approaches life realistically †¦ rarely spontaneous †¦ pragmatic, shrewd, and an excellent strategist †¦ very ambitious, but quietly so †¦ emotionally detached †¦ stern, authoritarian, no-nonsense aspect to her personality †¦ her personal relationships may seem constantly in flux †¦ direct, honest, and to the point some might say excessively so †¦Ã¢â‚¬  There is this contact argument that it is the environment that shapes people’s personality while others believe our personality has to find the kind of environment to which they suit best and perform to their optimum potential. For the latter, the abovementioned psychometric tests help employers, managers and common staff alike to gain insight to any individual’s personality. This is very essential in today’s organizations especially since the level of competition has never been higher.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Death in Emily Dickinsons Because I Could Not Stop for Death, I Heard

Death in Emily Dickinson's "Because I Could Not Stop for Death," "I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died," and "I Felt A Funeral In My Brain" Emily Dickinson's poems "Because I Could Not Stop for Death", "I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died", and "I Felt A Funeral In My Brain" all deal with one of life's few certainties, death. Dickinson's intense curiosity towards mortality was present in much of her work, and is her legacy as a poet. "Because I could Not Stop for Death" is one of Emily Dickinson's most discussed and famous poems due to its ambiguous, and unique view on the popular subject of death. Death in this poem is told as a woman's last trip, which is headed toward eternity. This poem helps to characterize and bring death down to a more personal level. Different from the more popular views of death being brutal and cruel, Dickinson makes death seem passive and easy. The theme of the poem being that death is natural and unstoppable for everybody, but at the same time giving comfort that it is not the end of a soul's journey. The reader can recognize the poem's theme by analysing its voice, imagery, figures of speech, form, diction and especially symbolism; all of which help the reader to understand the poem's meaning. The precise form that Dickinson uses throughout the poem helps convey her message to the reader. The poem is written in five quatrains. The way in which each stanza is written in a quatrain gives the poem unity and makes it easy to read. "Because I Could Not Stop for Death" starts to gives the reader a feeling of forward movement throughout the second and third quatrain. For example, in line 5, Dickinson begins death's journey with a slow, forward movement, which can be seen as she writes, "We... ...ngs are supposed to go when we die. Or we just assume that we will experience a peaceful extinguishment of life. The persona of these poems signifies that, even though we might have plans about the end, death is uncontrollable and unimaginable. Death is the supreme unknown; Mankind naturally fears what is unknown. Emily Dickinson is no different. Her works "Because I Could Not Stop For Death", "I Heard A Fly Buzz When I Died", and "I Felt A Funeral In My Brain" all explored the subject of death. She was naturally scared of the thought of dying and explored many of the great questions in her poetry. Is there a Heaven or an afterlife? If you kill yourself will you still go to heaven? Is it your fate when you die? These are just some of the questions that people have asked themselves, and because Emily Dickinson is deceased, she now knows all the answers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Incremental and Radical Innovation

In recent years, the importance of innovation in business cannot be emphasized too much. Along with rapid economic development, the cooperation having innovative ability enables them to own a place in this competitive society. In order to achieve the goal of survival, the firms need to understand the different types of innovation from incremental innovation and radical innovation for those firms who guarantee with the product quality, the lower cost and increasing profits.Following this essay, the difference between incremental and radical innovation are the distinctness of change level of technology and the difference of effectiveness. Following this essay, the effectiveness of two different types of innovation and an example of each types would be explanatory. Innovation can be used in invention or improvement of products, production process, organization and staff creativity. According to the change level of technology , there are different types of innovation, one is incremental innovation and the other is radical innovation.Utilizing which types of innovation depends on what kind of conditions does a cooperation faces. Different consequence would be reached while adopting these two types on innovative system. To begin with, the definition of incremental innovation is ‘doing what we do but better' (Tidd, Bessant, 2009, p. 27). It usually bases on improvement or boost the existing technology, products or process for maintaining the competitiveness of specific market. Adopting incremental innovation could results in enormous cost saving through upgrading or improving old products or service. Stamm,2003,p260) . In terms of reduction of inefficiencies and waste, which could benefit company from saving money, resources or time. Also this effectiveness from incremental innovation could benefit not only cooperation, but also customers. For example, a famous US airplane company – American Airlines Incorporated (AA). In 1986, when AA had faced a downtur n trend with profits, they cut a significant cost on their on board meal. (Maynard 2005). Their crew found out that 72% of passengers do not use olive in their salad catering from airplane.The price of salad was included five items, if they change their ingredients of food without olive, it can save $500,000 cost annual year. Since this incremental innovation had reduced the operating cost significantly, increasingly amenities had been cut for less spending such as playing cards, postcards and some toys for children. Although this type of innovation cannot bring new income directly, it does not mean it cannot save a enormous money. Compared with incremental innovation which means doing what we do better, the radical innovation refers to do something different. (Tidd, Bessant, 2009, p. 7) Radical innovation is the revolutionary change in technology or market. To make a breakthrough on the limitation of current technology and production capability , which could strengthen and sustain a firm's leadership in the market. Moreover, a radical innovation could change current competitive condition, creating a new market and making more opportunities for much benefits and profitability . For example a light emitting diode-LED which is a major device in current life. (It would be finished next time) These two different types of innovation are used in different conditions.Incremental innovation is generally a short-term innovation. On the other hand, radical innovation would continue more longer, usually over 10 years, referring to an high risk investment. Furthermore, radical innovation requires ability of high level of technology innovation, which means it need a relative large expense of investment rather than that of incremental innovation. (Ten3 Business e-Coach 2004) To sum up, in this changing commercial environment, each company should keep learning and carrying out knowledge of innovation to achieve their commitments with profits growth.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Child Marriage: A Silent Health and Human Rights Issue Essay

Abstract Marriages in which a child under the age of 18 years is involved occur worldwide, but are mainly seen in South Asia, Africa, and Latin America. A human rights violation, child marriage directly impacts girls’ education, health, psychologic well-being, and the health of their offspring. It increases the risk for depression, sexually transmitted infection, cervical cancer, malaria, obstetric fistulas, and maternal mortality. Their offspring are at an increased risk for premature birth and, subsequently, neonatal or infant death. The tradition, driven by poverty, is perpetuated to ensure girls’ financial futures and to reinforce social ties. One of the most effective methods of reducing child marriage and its health consequences is mandating that girls stay in school. Key words: Child marriage, Early marriage, Maternal mortality Child marriage, defined as marriage of a child under 18 years of age, is a silent and yet widespread practice. Today, over 60 million marriages include girls under the age of 18 years: approximately 31 million in South Asia, 14 million in sub-Saharan Africa, and 6.6 million in Latin America and the Caribbean (Figure 1). Each day, 25,000 girls are married and an anticipated 100 million girls will be married in 2012.1 Over 60% of girls are married under the age of 18 in some sub-Saharan countries and Bangladesh, and 40% to 60% of girls undergo child marriage in India (Figure 2). Figure 1 Number of women aged 20–24 who were married or in union before age 18, by region (2006). CEE/CIS, Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Reproduced with permission from United Nations Children’s Fund. Progress †¦ Figure 2 Percentage of women aged 20–24 who were married or in union before age 18 (1987–2006). Reproduced with permission from United Nations Children’s Fund. Progress for Children: A World Fit for Children Statistical Review. New York: †¦ Child marriage has been referred to as early marriage or child brides, but these terms are not optimal. Early marriage does not imply that children are involved, and the term is vague because an early marriage for one society may be considered late by another. The term child brides glorifies the tradition by portraying an image of joy and celebration. Most of these marriages are arranged by parents, and girls rarely meet their future husband before the wedding. The girls know that after the wedding they will move to their husband’s household, become the responsibility of their in-laws, and might not see their own family or friends for some time. Although child marriage includes boys, most children married under the age of 1 8 years are girls. In Mali, the ratio of married girls to boys is 72:1; in Kenya, it is 21:1; in Indonesia, it is 7.5:1; in Brazil, it is 6:1; and even in the United States, the ratio is 8:1.2–4 Go to: Human and Children’s Rights The United Nations and other international agencies have declared that child marriage violates human rights and children’s rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that individuals must enter marriage freely with full consent and must be at full age. In 1979, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women stated that child marriage is illegal. In 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child defined children as persons under the age of 18 years. Many countries passed laws changing the legal age of marriage to 18 years, but enforcement of these laws, and of laws requiring marriages to be registered, is weak.5 For example, although the legal age of marriage is 18 years, in Mali 65% of girls are married at a younger age; in Mozambique, it is 57%; and in India, it is 50% (Figure 3). In some parts of Ethiopia, although the legal age of marriage is 15 years, 50% of younger girls are married, and in Mali, 39% of younger girls are married. Furthermore, in some regions, an arranged marriage occurs at birth.6 Figure 3 (A) Percentage of girls (aged 15–19 years) who are currently married. (B) Percentage of women aged 20 to 24 years married before age 18. Reproduced with permission from Mathur S, Greene M, Malhotra A. Too Young to Wed: The Lives, Rights, and Health †¦ Go to: Factors Driving Child Marriage Three main forces drive child marriages: poverty, the need to reinforce social ties, and the belief that it offers protection. Child marriage is predominantly seen in areas of poverty. Parents are faced with 2 economic incentives: to ensure their daughter’s financial security and to reduce the economic burden daughters place on the family. Child marriage is first and foremost a product of sheer economic need. Girls are costly to feed, clothe, and educate, and they eventually leave the household. Marriage brings a dowry to the bride’s family. The younger the girl, the higher the dowry, and the sooner the economic burden of raising the girl is lifted. By marrying their daughter to a â€Å"good† family, parents also establish social ties between tribes or clans and improve their social status. Parents also believe that marrying their daughters young protects them from rape, premarital sexual activity, unintended pregnancies, and sexually transmitted infections, espe cially human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS.5 Go to: Health Consequences of Child Marriage Isolation and Depression Once married, girls are taken to their husband’s household, where they assume the role of wife, domestic worker, and, eventually, mother. These new homes can be in a different village or town. Because of the high dowry paid, husbands are usually much older than the girls (and thus have little in common with them) and their new brides are expected to reproduce. Polygamy may also be acceptable in some of these regions. As a result, the girls feel rejected, isolated, and depressed. Some girls realize that survival requires embracing their new environment and proving their fertility. They lose their childhood and miss the opportunity to play, develop friendships, and be educated. Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infection and Cervical Cancer Parents believe that marrying their daughters early protects them from HIV/AIDS. Research has shown the opposite: marriage by the age of 20 years is a risk factor for HIV infection in girls.7 In Kenya, married girls are 50% more likely than unmarried girls to become infected with HIV. In Zambia, the risk is even higher (59%). And in Uganda, the HIV prevalence rate of married girls and single girls between the ages of 15 and 19 years is 89% and 66%, respectively. Their husbands infected these girls. Because the girls try to prove their fertility, they had high-frequency, unprotected intercourse with their husbands. Their older husbands had prior sexual partners or were polygamous. In addition, the girls’ virginal status and physical immaturity increase the risk of HIV transmission secondary to hymenal, vaginal, or cervical lacerations.5 Other sexually transmitted infections, such as herpes simplex virus type 2, gonorrhea, and chlamydia, are also more frequently transmitted and enhance the girls’ vulnerability to HIV. Research demonstrates that child marriage also increases the risk of human papillomavirus transmission and cervical cancer.8 Risks During Pregnancy Pregnant girls in malaria regions were found to be at higher risk for infection. Of the 10.5 million girls and women who become infected with malaria, 50% die. Their highest risk is during their first pregnancy. Pregnancy not only increases the risk of acquiring malaria, but pregnant girls under the age of 19 have a significantly higher malaria density than pregnant women over the age of 19.9 They are also at significant risk of malaria-related complications such as severe anemia, pulmonary edema, and hypoglycemia. Rates of HIV and malaria coinfection are highest in Central African Republic, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, where more than 90% of the population is exposed to malaria and more than 10% are HIV positive. Having both diseases complicates the management and treatment of each. HIV-infected patients have a higher likelihood of getting a more severe form of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. They are less likely to respond as well to antimalaria medication. Malaria increases HIV viral load and increases the mother-to-child HIV transmission rate. Data demonstrate that the combination of these diseases proves deadly to the young pregnant mother.10 Risks During Labor and Delivery Deliveries from child marriages are â€Å"too soon, too close, too many, or too late.†11 Forty-five percent of girls in Mali, 42% in Uganda, and 25% in Ethiopia have given birth by the age of 18. In Western nations, the rates are 1% in Germany, 2% in France, and 10% in the United States (Figure 4). Girls between the ages of 10 and 14 years are 5 to 7 times more likely to die in childbirth; girls between the ages of 15 and 19 years are twice as likely.12 High death rates are secondary to eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, sepsis, HIV infection, malaria, and obstructed labor. Girls aged 10 to 15 years have small pelvises and are not ready for childbearing. Their risk for obstetric fistula is 88%.13 Figure 4 Percentage of women, aged 20 to 24 years, married and giving birth by age 18. Reproduced with permission from Mathur S, Greene M, Malhotra A. Too Young to Wed: The Lives, Rights, and Health of Young Married Girls. Washington, DC: International Center †¦ Risks for Infants Mothers under the age of 18 have a 35% to 55% higher risk of delivering a preterm or low-birthweight infant than mothers older than 19 years. The infant mortality rate is 60% higher when the mother is under the age of 18 years. Data demonstrate that even after surviving the first year, children younger than 5 years had a 28% higher mortality rate in the young mothers cohort.14 This morbidity and mortality is due to the young mothers’ poor nutrition, physical and emotional immaturity, lack of access to social and reproductive services, and higher risk for infectious diseases. Go to: Discussion Disheartening as this information may be, there is encouraging news. Data show that in countries where poverty has decreased, such as Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand, the incidence of child marriage has also declined. Media attention raises awareness of the issue and can prompt change. After a highly publicized story in 2008, in which a 10-year-old Yemeni girl fled her husband 2 months after being married and successfully obtained a divorce, Yemen increased the legal age for marriage from 15 to 18 years. More importantly, numerous children, inspired by this case, have sued for divorce.15 Research has long enforced the importance of education for girls and their families. Child marriage truncates girls’ childhood, stops their education, and impacts their health and the health of their infants. Governmental and nongovernmental policies aimed at educating the community, raising awareness, engaging local and religious leaders, involving parents, and empowering girls through education and employment can help stop child marriage. Programs that have shown success are those that give families financial incentives to keep their daughters in school, those that feed children during school hours so parents do not have to bear that responsibility, and those that promise employment once girls have completed their schooling.1 Education not only delays marriage, pregnancy, and childbearing, but school-based sex education can be effective in changing the awareness, attitudes, and practices leading to risky sexual behavior in marriage. Main Points †¢Over 60 million marriages include a girl under the age of 18 years. †¢The main forces that drive child marriage are poverty, the need to reinforce social ties, and the belief that marriage at an early age protects girls from rape, unintended pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infection. †¢Marriage before the age of 18 increases the rate of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in girls. †¢High death rates during pregnancy are secondary to eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, sepsis, HIV infections, and obstructed labor. The infant mortality rate is 60% higher when the mother is under the age of 18 years. †¢Education not only delays marriage, pregnancy, and childbearing, but school-based sex education can be effective in changing the awareness, attitudes, and practices leading to risky sexual behavior in marriage. Go to: References 1. Mathur S, Greene M, Malhotra A. Too Young to Wed: The Lives, Rights and Health of Young Married Girls. Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women; 2003. pp. 1–15. 2. United Nations, authors. World Marriage Patterns. New York: United Nations Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs; 2000. 3. Population Reference Bureau, authors. The World’s Youth 2006 Data Sheet. Washington, DC;: Population Reference Bureau; 2006. [Accessed February 25, 2009]. 4. Alan Guttmacher Institute, authors. Into a New World: Young Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Lives. New York: Alan Guttmacher Institute; 1998. 5. Nour NM. Health consequences of child marriages in Africa. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006;12:1644–1649. [PMC free article] [PubMed] 6. Bruce J, Clark S. Including Married Adolescents in Adolescent Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Policy. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2003. 7. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS, authors. World AIDS Campaign 2004: Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS. Strategic Overview and Background Note. [Accessed February 25, 2009]. 8. Zhang ZF, Parkin DM, Yu SZ, et al. Risk factors for cancer of the cervix in a rural Chinese population. Int J Cancer. 1989;43:762–767. [PubMed] 9. Dzeing-Ella A, Nze Obiang PC, Tchoua R, et al. Severe falciparum malaria in Gabonese children: clinical and laboratory features. Malar J. 2005;4:1. [PMC free article] [PubMed] 10. World Health Organization, authors. Malaria and HIV Interactions and Their Implications for Public Health Policy. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2004. [Accessed February 25, 2009]. aria_HIV/MalariaHIVinteractions_report.pdf. 11. Marriage and the family. [Accessed February 25, 2009]. Interactive Population Center Web site. 12. United Nations, authors. We the Children: End-Decade Review of the Follow-Up to the World Summit for Children. Report of the Secretary-General (A/S-27/3) New York: United Nations; 2001. 13. United Nations Children’s Fund, authors. Fistula in Niamey, Niger. New York: United Nations Children’s Fund; 1998. 14. Adhikari RK. Early marriage and childbearing: risks and consequences. In: Bott S, Jejeebhoy S, Shah, Puri C, editors. Towards Adulthood: Exploring the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents in South Asia. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2003. pp. 62–66. 15. Walt V. A 10-year-old divorcà ©e takes Paris. Time. 2009. Feb 3 [Accessed February 25, 2009].,8599,1876652,00.html.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Write a Good Descriptive Essay, with Topics

How to Write a Good Descriptive Essay, with Topics How to Write a Perfect Descriptive Essay (Step by Step) Topics How to start How to write thesis How to write body paragraphs How to conclude There are various types of essays that students get to write during their school life, and one of them is the descriptive essay. In a descriptive essay, writers are given the opportunity of sharing their impressions and moods. It is, therefore, necessary to involve all the sensory details, that is, sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. The main aim of a descriptive essay is to try and paint a clear picture to the audience. When given such a task, the writers often express their thoughts and try to make sure that readers can have the idea or experience the same feeling as they did. Therefore, writers need to make use of vivid language and be as detailed as possible with the intention of making the picture clear and avoid any room for ambiguity. The purpose or reason for writing a descriptive is simply to describe a person, an object, or a place using the simplest of words but with the intention of having a huge impact. The goal is to take the audience on a journey and by using a unique power as well as appeal. Writers must seek to evoke the audience’s senses because it is the only way that an impression will be made. Topic Choice As already stated, perfect descriptive essays are written with the intention of discussing a person, place, or object. However, before you begin the writing process, it is important first to select a suitable topic. Descriptive essay topics are many, but writers are always cautioned on their selection strategy. It is, therefore, necessary to exercise caution when selecting a topic so as to avoid topics that will make it hard for the writer to articulate their ideas smoothly. Below are some tips on a descriptive essay topic selection: Choose topics that you are familiar with. These make the writing process easier as well as research easy. Select a topic whose content coincides with the article requirements. For example, it would be unwise to select a topic on something such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict while you have been asked to write a 5-paragraph essay. The example above contains a lot of information and will hence be troublesome to fit it into only three body paragraphs. Start with several topics and evaluate them by listing their pros and cons. Here, you should select the topic that seems to give you enough details for the essay. Examples of descriptive essay topics include: Best vacation site. Your first kiss. Your worst nightmare. Hurricane Katrina. High school reunion. A walk on the beach. First breakup. Favorite pizza joint. Favorite movie. Best teacher. The most embarrassing experience. The best childhood memory. Your role model. Trip to Egypt. Your career. Favorite hobby. First day in college. First speech as college president. Your worst fear. First airplane ride. Descriptive Essay Structure Outline Fundamentally, an outline contains the essay’s main point or thesis statement, and the supporting arguments. It is always necessary to start an essay with an outline, mainly because of the following reasons: Saves the writer time. It is easier to organize ideas and points. Helps to make the research efficient and goal-oriented. The writer can divide the different sections based on word count. If, for example, you have been asked to write a descriptive essay about the City of New York, the following would be the outline: New York City Introduction Include general information about the city, for example, the location, population, etc. Include the city’s diversity in culture. Main Body Transportation (Highways, Bus and Railroad Service, Subway, Airport, etc.). People (diversity in their cultures). Neighborhoods. History. Public Safety. Economy. Environment. Conclusion Restates the thesis statement. Synthesize the main points of the essay. How to start a descriptive essay A descriptive essay introduction should be interesting and have a hook that will help to capture the attention of the audience. You can start with a quote whose main aim should be to make sure that the readers are motivated to continue reading the article. Here are some tips on writing an introduction for a descriptive essay: Start with a hook. You should not pass the opportunity of grabbing your readership’s attention. Start strong and make it impossible for the audience to drop your essay. Provide some background information. Readers must be introduced to the topic at hand. The writer should, therefore, include a brief piece that introduces the audience to the topic at hand. Narrow down your scope and avoid ambiguity. Include a thesis statement. Provides readers with your main argument. Tips on Thesis Writing A thesis statement bears the main argument of an article. Teachers often insist on having it as a part of the introduction, simply because it makes the writers stance or perception of a topic clear to the readers. Here are some tips on writing a thesis statement: Make the thesis statement interesting. Question common knowledge or make it argumentative. Avoid using clichà © statements or phrases, for example, â€Å"The focus of the article is†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Base your thesis on reliable research. How to Write a Body Paragraphs The body of any essay often has supporting arguments that build on the author’s thesis statement. Here wise topic selection and thorough research come in handy, and writers need to be good in both. Below are some tips on how to write good descriptive essay bodies: Use topic sentences for the supporting arguments. Cite accurately. Use transition words. These provide readers with the opportunity of following an assignment systematically. The common number of body paragraphs is three unless otherwise stated and each is often five to six sentences long. Tips on Conclusion Writing A descriptive essay conclusion provides you with the opportunity of leaving a lasting impression on the readers. It is, therefore vital to have a good quality end for an essay. When writing a conclusion for a descriptive essay, the writer must, first of all, factor in the components or variables that need to be included in their essay. Consider the following tips when writing a conclusion: Restate the purpose of the essay. Summarize the main supporting argument within the essay. Conclude with a general statement or something that encourages a discussion beyond your essay. Sources for Essay Choice There are numerous online essay sources that writers can choose essays from. However, writers are always advised to select essays that they are familiar with and that will provide them with enough content. It is indeed easy to get essays online and while some might appear easy at first, finding content could be harder later. Familiar essay choices should hence be the only viable options for writers. The writing process should be enjoyable, and writers should not be led to believe that it is not. Finalizing Essay An essay’s title is indeed important and in an instance decides whether a person will read an essay or not. Descriptive essays should have interesting titles which should help to grow the readership of your essay. Proofreading is not optional and should always be done once the paper is complete. Grammatical, omission and punctuation errors are common mistakes, but they should be amended before the essay is submitted. Proofreading an essay helps to identify and correct such mistakes before finally submitting the paper. Essay revision is a necessary step in descriptive essay writing. Errors such as inconsistencies in some of the arguments, wrong citations, duplications of points, etc. are not easily identifiable. These make revising a necessity and help to ensure that an essay is of high quality.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


COMMENTS THAT MAKE ME WANT TO TRAVEL AND TEACH HARDER C. Hope Clark I speak to a lot of writers in a lot of environments. From conferences to libraries, from private residences to communitycenters, I converse with writers struggling to make heads or tails out of this business. Im glad Im not starting out, but then again, sometimes I wish I was. Its like seeing a teenager dipping his toe into the world: you wish you were in his shoes, but then again, youre glad youre not. So I try to educate the best I can, using what I know, about writing, about trying to get off the ground and find places topublish and earn a few dollars to make it worth the time. But invariably I hear a comment from someone in the room, whether before the group or behind the scenes to me privately, that makes me realize someone isnt quite getting it yet. And it makes me wish I could touch more people, teach harder. Comments I hear: 1) Im almost done writing my book. How do I publish I want to sit down and have coffee with this person, take his hand, and tell him to quit thinking about publishing. When I tell people to focus more on writing, some get disgruntled with me. Easy for you to say, youre published. I get impatient, too, but try to get rid of the anxiousness to publish. It hurts your work. Edit and edit and edit to the point of fanatical. No, you cannot over edit. Not in this day and age. Not when 99.9 percent of the writers do not edit enough. 2) Why dont agents and publishers like regular mail anymore? Thats like asking why dont we churn our own butter. We can, but why do so when theres a cleaner, faster, easier way? Emails more efficient. Short and simple. 3) I cant afford to buy nice business cards/buy my own books/buy a good cover for my book/design a polished website. Thats like saying you bake great cakes but cant afford to place an ad in the paper that you are open for weddings and birthdays. If you intend to publish, you have to afford the promotion. Thats how people find you . . . and form their first impression of you . . . and determine if you are worthy of their investment. You find a way. Ferret the best possible FREE business cards online that appear professional. Barter content writing for web services. Make a goal to do magazine/content writing enough save to pay a graphic designer to make a book cover. Search out investors relating to your book content to cover the cost of your first run of books until you can afford to pay them back. 4) How do I promote ebooks in person? You dont. Ebook readers find their books online. It just makes sense to promote there as well. If you do not understand how the business works, stop and learn. If you proceed without being knowledgeable, you could fool yourself into thinking youll navigate the journey without incident. Some argue that entering the business in a naive manner is a way to step out and dare. Not knowing the pitfalls means you have nothing to fear, they say. It also means that youre willing to learn via the path called trial Dont understand? Ask questions. Listen. Absorb. Dont judge. Be open-minded. And stay positive. Its supposed to be hard.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

James Moor - Computer Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

James Moor - Computer Ethics - Essay Example 269). Thus, individuals are empowered to perform a large number of operations previously unavailable to them. An example might be the ability to make microloans to individuals in developing countries: an ability that most people in developed countries did not have 20 to 30 years ago. As ethical philosophers have pointed out for centuries, even though one can perform a certain action that does not necessarily mean one ought to perform that action. Given this basis for Moor’s discussion of computer ethics, it seems that Moor successfully argues for special consideration of computer ethics as a specialized area in moral philosophy. Early in his essay, Moor introduces the concept of a â€Å"policy vacuum†, which limits the public’s ability to utilize the potential of computer technology. A policy vacuum is an absence of officially recognized public standards for how to utilize a resource. One often finds a policy vacuum where there is cutting-edge technology that the public does not seem to have a use for. A current example of a policy vacuum might be related to green technology, which is subject to endless political debates. Even though the technology exists, it is unclear how the public will deploy those resources and gain benefits from it. Another example of a policy vacuum may exist in developing nations where modern technology is new and not well-understood. In such a case, the country may not see the need for the new resource and thus not capitalize on its potential. Moor also introduces the notion of a â€Å"conceptual vacuum† early in his paper. Although a conceptual vacuum occurs in concert with a policy vacuum, the conceptual vacuum invariably occurs before and causes the policy vacuum. That is, without a â€Å"coherent conceptual framework within which to formulate a policy for action†, there can be no policy for action, which produces the inevitable result of a policy vacuum. A coherent conceptual framework is necessar y because one cannot, for instance, explain the benefits of high-speed broadband to the leader of a developing country who has never used, let alone heard of, the internet. Another example of a conceptual vacuum might be, with respect to the United States, is the debate over the use of renewable energy and â€Å"green† technology. The consequences of a change to alternative sources of energy might not be conceptually compatible with a view of the world that does not admit of the consequences of global climate change. Thus, a policy vacuum results when those who are in charge of making decisions cannot comprehend the conceptual basis of their decisions. Further into his essay, Moor begins to establish a basis for comparing the â€Å"Computer Revolution† with the â€Å"Industrial Revolution†. The reason for this comparison probably lies in the ethical dilemmas evoked by the Industrial Revolution, which Moor is trying to draw parallels with in our modern age. In on e respect, the Computer Revolution is complete: the sense in which our lives have become thoroughly interconnected with computer technology (by means of laptop computers and mobile phones). Nevertheless, in a second sense, the Computer Revolution is not over: the sense in which computer technology has yet to fully develop and fully integrate with every