Monday, May 18, 2020

Effects Of Technology On Socialization - 1300 Words

Anti-social socialization: The effects of Technology on socialization of the youth in the 21st century Robert Elz University of North Georgia Abstract In the 21st century, technology is integrated in examines that to every aspect of our lives. It is prevalent is all sections of our culture, our homes, our schools and our communities. But what kind of effect is it having on those in their formative years? Does the abundance of technology have an effect on the newer generations and is it something we should be concerned about? It is the premise of the article that social media plays a major role in the social development or socialization of younger generations in the 21st century. To demonstrate this, the author†¦show more content†¦The basics are that social interaction is a key factor in how we develop socially, from the aforementioned text we can conclude that our being is in large part a result of the influences in our lives during the developmental years. In short, social interaction makes us who we are. I believe that given information from the readings, specifically the article, ‘Well-prepared in Their Own Eyesà ¢â‚¬â„¢ by Scott Jaschik, social media is having an adverse effect on the socialization and social interaction of the younger generations (Jaschik, 2015).This inverse relationship between age and social media, if it exists, should be demonstrable by a simple survey. The importance of the impact of social media at an early age is further outlined in the description of how human beings are molded, or socialized by Dennis O’Neil, in short, he claims that the most essential part of the socialization of a human being is their early or formative years (O’Neil, 2011). The harmful effects of media on children is not, by any means, an unresearched concept. There have been many articles dealing with the subject, and the problems outlined by Jaschik, are also mentioned in an article from the journal of the American academy of pediatrics, ‘Media Violence’,Show MoreRelatedTechnology Has A Destructive Effect On Socialization Of Young Adults And Their Lack Of Traditional Socialization2470 Words   |  10 PagesIntroduction An ever changing world, lead by advances in technology has affected communication at the very core of its structural use as tool for socialization of younger generations. This paper examines the findings of multiple articles, surveys, and studies verifying the negative effects of technology on communication of young adults and their lack of traditional socialization. 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