Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Panel Discussion, World Class Teams And The Evolution...

Extra Credit 1: The panel discussion, world class teams and the evolution of leadership, aims at sharing the most advanced and progressive ways of building and leading a team to achieve world-class performance, and the ways of the best teams evolve and adapt. This panel discussion was moderated by Keisha Howard, the founder and the CEO of the Blazebreakers and Sugar Gamers, and the three experienced entrepreneurs are Nicholas Yassan, the principal of Rany Management, Elena Valentine, CEO and Co-Founder of Skill Scout, and Dr. Patrick J. Murphy, professor of DePaul University. The first question to Dr. Patrick is what characteristics will make a team fail? Patrick thinks sharing experience is the critic point, and you should know your team like your family. Question to Nicholas is as a leader how does he keep his team understands his core values? Nicholas said â€Å"know what you want to do. The team needs to understand your goal and have their own goal and get accomplish together. T hink about everybody else, grow together, and be a mentor to your team.† Question to Elena is she is known by her aggressive ideas about team building, and is there any challenge? Elena says HRs always have very restrict regulations because people are the most valuable assets. Usually, a large company gets challenged by those regulations. In fact, to many companies, the background doesn’t matter, what you can actually do matters. Question to all three is how do you keep you core values whileShow MoreRelatedTalent Mgt at Hsbc2945 Words   |  12 PagesGlobal Talent Management at HSBC Abstract Global talent management is an organizational development solution that supports the HSBC vision to be the world s leading financial services company. This article will describe how the global talent management solution aligns to our business strategy and how we developed, refined, and implemented our global process in the context of our culture and core values. 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